
观点 | 2023-02-06 04:40:40
时间:2023-02-06 04:40:40   /   来源: 互联网      /   点击数:()


1、My Sunshine - 张杰电视剧《何以笙箫默 》主题曲词:段思思曲:谭旋我们还没好好翻一翻那错过的几年那些迷惘路口有你陪我流泪的夏天阳光刺眼 有心跳的交响乐想靠近一点 再看清一点 昨天我们曾经尝试不顾一切肤浅的快乐才会一不小心的让成长偷走了什么时光 过客 还来不及去迎合胸口的微热 总是恨不得把你守护着You are my pretty sunshine没你的世界好好坏坏 只是无味空白答应我 哪天走失了人海一定站在最显眼路牌等着我 一定会来You are the pretty sunshine of my life等着我 不要再离开怕是青春还没开始就已划上了句点怕是我们还没熟络就已生疏的寒暄往事浮现 没完的故事绵绵时间还在变 我们还在变但请你相信You are my pretty sunshine没你的世界好好坏坏 只是无味空白答应我 哪天走失了人海一定站在最显眼路牌等着我 一定会来You are my pretty sunshine没你的世界好好坏坏 只是无味空白答应我 哪天走失了人海一定站在最显眼路牌等着我 一定会来the road not takenYou are the pretty sunshine of my life等着我 不要再离开 Two roads diverged in a yellow woodI’d go back and rechoose if I couldBut here I lay now,sick and so confusedWas it a lie or was it all trueSleep now gently my darling loveDon’t let my worries trouble youPeople try hard to forgetBut memories will always stayNightmares and dreams of long passed thingsTry and chase me away from sleepAll that time I spent in the darkJust like that,I’m in the lightEverything will be finelalalala,lalalalaNotice all the similaritiesWe go together like the birds and beesJust imagine what all could have happenedEvery one I know would long be deadWhat really goes on behind closed doorsMakes me secretly cry out loudWithin all these horror storiesLay many times of regretsAlways in such a frightened stateTrapped in an imaginary cageLiving a life day by dayAnd soon enough ,some dayI’ll come out and playIn a world where everything is upside down I try hardNot to lose my mindThings keep getting worse so I tell myself everythingWill be fineI want to grow up and be a real bad copIn the endIt’ll work曾经金黄色的树林里分出两条路如果可以 让我回到那时重新抉择啊而现在我在这里,在思念中迷惘一切是谎言还是真实轻轻睡去吧 我亲爱的不要让我的担忧打扰到你人们艰难地去遗忘但记忆总是无比顽强早已尘封的往事 化为噩梦成为美梦让我不能安眠所有的黑夜都不能被赦免而在阳光下我才能骗自己 一切都会好起来我们像其他人一样那么偶然地相遇想象过吗 那本该到来的结局也许曾经熟悉的人早已不复存在那些正在发生的未知让我独自哭出声来在所有这些令人颤抖的故事中还有多少遗憾悔恨我被恐惧圈禁困于臆想中的牢笼每天每天大概不远的未来我会解脱拥抱自由在所有黑白颠倒之间 我努力地清醒着世界崩塌倾斜 所以我告诉自己一切会好起来我想变强大 也能随意主宰别人命运呵。



标签: 何以笙箫默 会好起来 告诉自己 不顾一切
